Monday, May 2, 2011

Wednesday 27.04.11 - Redbank Waterhole

With a nice dark camper and no need to rush, we slept in until after 8am and had a leisurely breakfast of bacon, eggs and baked beans. We did a bit of a walk exploring along the waterhole, with a nice sandy beach perfect for Sophie to have a bit of a dip. Us adults didn't have the ticker for the kind of water temperature. We saw some flocks of budgies, some Major Mitchell cockatoos, finches and magpies, as well as willie wagtails, cormorants and hawks.

Back to camp for a lunch of noodles, surprise peas and corn and some ham, when Steve discovered his second battery wasn't holding charge. As most of our power was coming from the trailer, we weren't using our second car battery, so Paul and Steve moved it over to Steve's car. After that little exercise, it was time to get the roast and veggies on the Cobb cooker, and of course, more social lubrication and bikkies and cheese. We are not suffering! Afterwards, there was the obligatory staring into the bush tv.

The roast was superb, although at 2.7kg for 2.5 people, there was plenty left over. Steve then cooked up his famous (for us) baked apricot custard, and even though we full from the entree and main course, there is ALWAYS room in the dessert stomach. As may be evident right about now, our camping trips are as much about checking out new places as they are for lurching from one feeding frenzy to the next!

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